So there was I, sans boyfriend, although Janie and I have been known to snuggle if the occasion demands it, sans swishy hair and work bag and worst of all sans alcohol having made the altruistic decision to drive. I wasn't feeling overly gigtastic.
Can I just point out that the word heaving - see above, really does not do it justice. If you're a child of the 70s think of Bournemouth beach on a sunny day in August, add in 6.30am on the Next Sale (You can explain THAT phenomenon to me later) and multiply by your stomach on Christmas afternoon, it was THAT full!
The support band were really rather wonderful, all energy and drums and sweat and surprisingly good songs. My eyes met with Janie's and we had but a single thought. Who are they?
Well, now I can reveal them to be 'We Were Promised Jet Packs' from Scotland.
So, I'm not a hardcore DCFC fan, in fact I became enamoured with them for 2 reasons; the whimsical and wordy name, which originates with the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band (I kid you not)
and the hauntingly beautiful 'I will follow you into the dark.'
But I have become intimately acquainted with their latest CD, and so it was thrilling to hear them come onto a track from Kintsugi.
'No room in Frame'
- Encore:
The rest of the band are fabulous - but there is a real 'rest of the band' sense. DCFC are, in my opinion, Ben Gibbard and his voice, that can reach inside your soul and make you feel as though you you are sitting in a smokey basement bar nursing a Jack Daniels when you are actually standing at the back of a packed venue with your nose practically pressed against the neck of the man in front. (It was a clean neck with a smattering of freckles) There were moments, un neck related, that I never wanted to end.
Until the next gig, fickle creature that I am, I remain Death Cab's biggest, and I fear oldest fan.
Used to really enjoy the BDDDB, Learnt something reading your blog. Liked "I will follow you"