And so it began, our quest for the HIGH that live music brought us. We knew it wasn't to be found in huge stadium tours and at the feet of 'pop stars' young enough to be our children - so we sought out the music of our youth and music with the influences that we loved; pop, ska, soul and folk.
In the course of 2013 google maps became our friend as we traversed London in search of previously unheard of music venues, walked boldly into new pubs and clubs, and ran giggling for the last tube home.
I've started this blog at least a year too late (and the journey probably 20 years) so I will begin with a whistle stop, retrospective romp through the highlights of 2013 after which I promise to update regularly as Janie and I get dance happy through 2014.
Men Without Hats - O2 Islington 01.02.13
This was the first of the gigs that took us into the realm of the middle aged, often hairy, fat man.
Wearing a hat, in case the band changed their mind during the course of the set and thus we weren't exactly inconspicuous.
Surprised at the sight of girls, we were quickly engaged in conversation about the relative merits of Men Without Hat albums, this was a sticky moment for the Dance Happy Girls as our favourite Men Without Hats moment came from Safety Dance Literal Video but we discovered that the MAFM (middle-aged fat man) was happy to expound his views with nothing more than a few enthusiastic nods from us.
A notable exception from the MAFM was a dinky little Korean fan who had brought all of his albums with him - as each song was played he rummaged in his carrier bag and brought out the appropriate album, waving it enthusiastically in the air, mostly in time to the music. Dedication!
Men Without Hats - WHO KNEW? In the course of the set we found ourselves singing along to songs that we were sure we hadn't known an hour and a half ago, dancing when the beer sticky floor allowed and grinning like loons, feeling at one with with the MAFM.
The gig ended with a hugely camp sing-along to ABBA's SOS and a demand for photos of us from the aforementioned Korean uber fan.
They came, they sang (sans hats) and they won over the dance happy girls.
Yes, the album covers that were waved IN FRONT of my face thus obscuring my view of Mr Gorgeous Man Without Hat.